Member Care Checklist - Part 3

Area 2. Friend - relational world

God created you for relationships. The number one factor in determining the quality of your life is the quality of your relationships. Recent studies determine the quality of your relationships impact you more in living a healthy life than any other factor. The Bible term is koinonia which is such a rich word translators have difficulty translating it into English. It means to have in common or share. There are three kind of relationships you need to nurture in your life
  • Real Friend
Most of our relationships are transactional. We are friends for a period of time because we work together, go to church together, etc but once that changes the relationship changes. This is not negative but good, we are constantly in transition and need friends wherever we are. Those are “deal” friendships. You also need “real” friendships. These are friends for the long term and not based upon location or activity. These are those who know you deeply.
  • Accountability partner
You need someone who like the prophet Nathan with David who can point their finger at you and say you are the man/woman! Someone you give permission to tell you the truth about you to you and you will not get offended. We all have blind spots. We all have weaknesses. We need truth tellers in our lives
  • Mentor
You need an older man/woman in your life. Someone 10 - 15 years ahead of you in life that you can pattern yourself after. You need someone who can give you wisdom about the stage of life you are about to enter. Someone you can ask questions of, a guide in life.


  • Which of these relationships do you have in your life? Real friend? Accountability partner? Mentor?
  • Which relationship do you need to add to your life?
  • What is your plan to add that relationship?
  • Where can you find someone to fill that need?

We are walking together

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