Experiencing Loneliness During Christmas

I remember my first Christmas on the field. It was the first Christmas in Cathy and my lives that we were not with family for Christmas. We had set up a time to call my parents where we could speak to them and our children. Something happened with my mother’s phone and we were not able to connect (we did later). I don’t remember a time when we felt so alone. The team I was serving on had some activities but it was not the same. We wanted to speak with our children and parents.

Christmas can magnify loneliness for global workers. I can usually deal with being away from my loved ones but every once in a while something will trigger the ache inside of me of being away. Sometimes Christmas can spark the feeling inside of me that I really do not belong where I am at. Christmas can be lonely.

If that is you this year, I will not demean you with advice. I do not have words to say that are adequate. I do not pretend to understand what you are feeling because all of our circumstances are different.  

I am praying. Praying that you will experience the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit. Praying that you at least in your head know that the sacrifice you are making is worth it. Praying. No words, just prayer.

If you need Cathy and/or me during this season please reach out.

We are walking together

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