Member Care Tips - Part 4

Life can be disappointing. Things do not always go like I want it to. People sometimes fail me and at times betray me. Life does not always turn out like I wanted it to or thought it would.

As I get older my life is not what I dreamed it would be. I do not mean that negatively, my life is good. I am generally happy with it but it is not what I thought it would be in my 20’s and 30’s.

How do I respond to that? How should you respond to life’s disappointments?

  • Trust God with your legacy
None of us will really know the impact we have made in our lives and ministries on this side of eternity. When we get to heaven, when God reveals all things, is when we will know. Focus on faithfulness. Get up every day and do what God has called you to do.

  • Pursue God’s glory not your reputation 
I like the song, "do not give me a legacy, just give me Jesus". I do not see anywhere in scripture that we are to be concerned about legacy or reputation. The Bible says Jesus ”...made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.“ Philippians 2:7 NKJV

We are called to serve not build a platform.

  • Do not compare yourself to others
Comparison either results in discouragement or pride. I get discouraged because I feel someone else is better than I am or I get prideful because I believe I made a bigger difference. Both responses are really bad.

  • Receive your identity from whose you are not what you do
Many of the issues we are talking about are identity issues. You cannot get your identity or self worth from your performance. You receive it from being a child of God. God chose you, loves you, accepts you, called you. When you find your identity in whose you are it frees you to serve others. Being a servant does not negatively impact your identity. 

  • Walk by faith not by sight
You sow seeds, believe God for the harvest. You focus on faithfulness. You seek God’s glory. I have a prayer I regularly pray “Father, use my time, talent, and treasure for your glory and the advancement of your kingdom, not my glory, my kingdom, nor my advancement.”

I rely on the Holy Spirit to keep my heart pure because i know my heart can be deceitful. I believe I am doing it for God’s glory when in reality there is a piece of me seeking credit. I need to keep my heart pure, repent often, and seek His presence.

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