Team Life Characteristics - Part 8

Member Care Team Life

Characteristics of a Good Team Leader
Characteristic #8 Selfless.

A good leader knows it is not about themselves. It is about Jesus and the advancement of his kingdom. A good team leaders puts the success of his team members above his own. A good team leader does not manipulate but motivates. What is the difference?

  • Manipulation is for the leaders own good.
  • Motivation is for the good of the kingdom of God.

I promise you it will not take long for me to figure out which it is. When I believe you have my best interest at heart and we are working together to advance the kingdom of God, I will run through a wall for you. But If I sense you are manipulating me for your own advancement, I will shut down.

Characteristics of a Good Team Member
Characteristic #8 Empowerment.

I thought empowerment was the responsibility of a leader. It is. A good leader will provide their team members opportunities. A good team member has the ability to empower as well.

A team member can empower a team to fulfill the vision. When other team members see you buying into the vision, working in unity with others, striving to accomplish the vision, you motive them. You empower the team. You do not have to be in the first chair to have influence on a team. You do not have to have a loud voice to motivate a team. You can lead by example.

Bottom Line:

When a team leader is being selfless and a team member is empowering others that is a great combination. This is when a team begins hitting on all cylinders (I know nothing about engines or cars).

We are no longer looking out for self interest but the interests of others and the kingdom of God.

We Are Walking Together

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