Member Care - What do you let into your mind and spirit?

I have a confession I hate debate shows. It seems to me that television news has become debates rather than telling me the news.

It has even impacted sports. I am a sports fan and used to love to watch ESPN. I don’t much anymore because it went from showing highlights to debating meaningless stuff.

It seems both news and sports programming has become about paying people to make provocative statements to get a reaction out of the viewer. This drives ratings which results in increase of ad revenue.

I have made a decision to limit the amount of that content I allow in my mind and heart.

  • It causes my blood pressure to go up.
  • It impacts my attitude.
  • I become cynical and judgmental.

This is a major cause of division we are experiencing in America.

I believe it is negatively impacting the church.

Pastors, ministers, and lay people make provocative statements that cause negative reactions. I have even seen people post fire emoji’s below their statements. Why?

This causes polarization and results in division.

Now I do believe as Christians we should take stands on issues. I am not sure social media is the platform do to it. I want to be careful I am speaking into an issue to solve a problem not increase my platform.

I encourage you to limit the amount of polarizing content you ingest. Be  respectful and kind to others. The fruit of the Spirit always applies. If you do not know how to respond, practice the golden rule.

Let’s be above the noise.

We Are Walking Together

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