Member Care Checklist - Part 5

Area 3. Focus. Mental health

The Bible is clear that how you think has an impact on the quality of your life. Paul teaches “We are "transformed by the renewing of our minds.” And he teaches us we can control our thoughts by commanding us to think on what is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, excellent, etc.

How can you grow in your mental health?
  • Meditate on Scripture
Think on whatever is true. You focus on what is true by mediating on God’s word. As you develop new mindsets you are transformed. It is important to read and study God’s word but we are to meditate on it, memorize it, and focus on it.

Meditating on God’s word enables God’s word to go from your mind to your heart. It is not enough to know God’s word, we must believe and act on it as well. When it comes to God’s Word: love it, learn it, live it.

  • Learn the local language
Language learning is a member care issue. The ability to go to doctor’s appointments, get things fixed in your apartment, complete daily tasks will be challenging until you learn the local language. Language acquisition will make living overseas easier.

  • Develop the skill of challenging your thoughts.
Talk to yourself, don’t listen to yourself.

Your mind is always talking. It is never silent even in your sleep. For many, your self talk is naturally negative. A survival mechanism is for your mind to imagine of worse the scenarios to prepare you for danger. If you listen to the negativity, you will become discouraged.

Instead of listening to yourself, talk to yourself. Speak the word of God over your life. Declare what God says.

Ask yourself:
  • Is this true? 
  • Am I attempting to interpret this situation without all the facts? 
  • What would a friend think about this situation? 
  • If I look at the solution positively, how is it different? 
  • Will this matter a year from now? Five years?

  • Pursue Goals
The health is in pursuing goals not necessarily in the accomplishment of them. Accomplishing goals results in temporary satisfaction but the pursuit of goals keeps us focused in life. Having 2-3 priorities in life that we are moving towards keeps you from drifting. You live an intentional life not an accidental life. You are proactive not reactive.

Filling your mind with God’s word, learning the local language, pursuing goals, and developing the skill of challenging your thoughts will equip you to be healthier in your thinking.


  • Is your mindset primarily positive or negative?
  • How are you at challenging your thoughts?
  • What can you do to develop the spiritual discipline of scripture meditation and memorization? 
  • How can you go deeper in language? 
  • What 2-3 priorities are you pursuing?

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