Receiving Healing

Why do we experience pain in our lives?

Some of the pain we experience is caused by us living in a fallen world. Some it is a result of the actions and words of others. Some of my wounds are self inflicted. I experience pain because of my decisions, actions, or words. And some of our pain is a result of demonic activity.

Matthew 4:23-24 says ”And he (Jesus) went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction among the people. So his fame spread throughout all Syria, and they brought him all the sick, those afflicted with various diseases and pains, those oppressed by demons, those having seizures, and paralytics, and he healed them.“

The Bible teaches us that some of the people Jesus healed were oppressed by demons. The cause of their pain was not the result of their decisions or the actions of others. It could not be explained by natural causes so the cause was supernatural.

I think it is important for global workers to pray for and use discernment. We need to be aware of the devil’s schemes. Not all the pain, discomfort, hardships we face are caused by the culture we live in, colleagues we work with, or our own failures.

The source is demonic activity.  

The good news is we know the remedy to all of our pain and sorrows. It is Jesus. No matter the source of the people’s sickness, Jesus healed them. He can heal the sick, deliver the oppressed, comfort those who are grieving, strengthen the weak. Regardless of the source of your pain,  Jesus is your answer.

I encourage you to be wise before blaming someone, something, or somewhere for your pain. It may have a demonic source. Ask God to give you the gift of discerning of spirits. Then use your spiritual weapons to fight the good fight. Trust Jesus as your healer, deliverer, comforter, and strength.

He is your refuge in times of trouble.

We are walking together

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