Team Life Characteristics - Part 3

Member Care Team Life

Characteristics of a Good Team Leader
Characteristic #3 Opportunity.

It is difficult when I think I am wasting my time or not making a difference. As a team member I desire for you to give me opportunities to make a difference. It is not that I am unwilling to do the mundane activities. I know they need to get done. It is not that I am unwilling to minister in an area I do not feel gifted in. I want to be a servant.

But it is really hard when I feel stuck, when I have no hope of ever doing anything else. I want to be a servant, I want to make a difference. I am willing to serve outside my giftedness but at some point I would like to serve in a place in which I am gifted and receive fulfillment in the role.

Characteristics of a Good Team Member
Characteristic #3 Patience.

I want you to serve in a role in which are gifted and I desire for you to receive fulfillment in what you are doing. I know you left everything to come here and you did it because you have a call on your life and you desire to see people saved, the church established.

I also ask you to be patient. It might not happen in your first term. I ask that you take the time to build a solid foundation in your ministry by learning language and culture, by developing the skills and relationships needed to have an impactful ministry overseas. I ask that you understand that it takes time to do those things.

I ask that when you need a change of ministry that you come to me with the right attitude, not accusatory. I ask that you fulfill your current assignment, give me time to find someone to replace you, before you make a transition.

Bottom Line:

Working together is hard work. It take patience on the part of the team member. It takes intentionality from the leader to find meaning, fulfilling ministry for each of your team members. It takes a servants heart on both.

A leader serves his members by giving them real opportunities to make a difference. A member serves his leader by being patient and communicating with a good attitude.

We Are Walking Together

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