Team Life Characteristics - Part 2

Member Care Team Life

Characteristics of a Good Team Leader
Characteristic #2 Steadiness.

As a team member I need you to be steady. By this I mean consistent. It is difficult to follow a leader who is one way one day and another the next. I know you have emotions and you experience good/bad days but I need consistency from you.

Steadiness means you are a calming presence in the midst of chaos. Please remember I am adjusting to new culture, language, people, everything. Nothing in my life is the same. I need to be confident that in the midst of the chaos, even crisis, that you are calm, cool, and collected.

A leader who is consistent and has a calming presence brings peace to my life.

Characteristics of a Good Team Member
Characteristic #2 Faithfulness.

As a team leader I need to know I can count on you. I need to be confident that when you agree to do something you will do it. It causes me stress if I have to worry if you will come on time, complete your assignment, or get things done. If it causes me to have extra meetings or the tasks takes more time than necessary. Ultimately when you lack faithfulness it undermines trust.

I want to trust that you will do what you say you will do and what is required.

Bottom Line:

When a team leader is steady and when a team member is faithful, it lowers anxiety. Trust is built. A team member can trust who the leader will be on that day. A leader can trust that commitments will be fulfilled.

If you want to raise the level of trust and effectiveness of your team: leaders be consistent, steady. Members be faithful.

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