Member Care - How do we live for God on a daily basis?

God has been speaking to me from a verse that is familiar to all of us.

Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."

God is calling me to deeper levels of trust. I am to lean into Him not lean into myself. I tend to be a fixer. I want to solve problems. Many times I can rush into things without going to God first.

Solomon taught us to seek God’s will in all we do. The word, "acknowledge" is mostly translated “to know.” It is a relationship word. We are to know Jesus in all we do.

Lately this has led me to seek God. I am making it a regular practice to
  • bring my needs, concerns, and questions to God
  • spend time praying in tongues
  • leave believing God is going to answer my prayers
  • commit to obeying whatever God instructs me to do

It has been transforming to me. I do not believe in formulas, legalism, or silver bullets. Yet bringing my needs to God, spending time praying in the spirit, and walking in faith and obedience has helped me.

God does answer prayer. God does give wisdom. God does intervene.

Do not follow a formula but do seek to know God. Our relationship with God is personal. God speaks and deals with as individuals.

However God has wired you, however God speaks to you, go deeper.

We Are Walking Together

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Jeffrey - June 3rd, 2024 at 8:08am

During itineration, I have learned to lean into the Savior deeper. This passage and reminder has been such a blessing to me because I to am a fixer and problem solver. I have grown deeper with God during this time and my prayer time has been growing in the Lord.

Michelle Orantes - June 6th, 2024 at 8:15am

All your articles/messages are so encouraging and thought provoking. Thank you!




