What Does It Mean to Forgive?

I have believed that I have forgiven people in the past but then something triggers an emotion in me and I think I need to forgive than all over again. Have I forgiven them?

What does it mean to forgive them?

Forgiveness is releasing people from all wrong doing.

Forgiveness is not expecting God to hold the offender accountable on account of you. You leave justice up to God.

Forgiveness is  sending  the offense away.

Forgiveness is an intentional choice not a feeling.

Forgiveness is a process not a one time decision.

The truth about me is there are some people I have to forgive over and over again. I continually release them from the pain they caused me.

Unforgiveness is a spiritual cancer. Bitterness, unforgiveness, and offense will destroy you and every relationship you hold dear. Unforgiveness will spread and impact every area of your life. Choosing not to forgive someone does not hurt them, it destroys you. Bitterness is like building a brick wall around yourself, it imprisons you.

The only cure to being offended is to choose to release it!

Fortunately we have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us to empower us to do the impossible.

Some offenses, some pain seems impossible to let go of. In the natural that would be true but the divine lives inside of you making you capable of the impossible. Rely on the Holy Spirit to enable to you forgive. Ask God to do a work in your heart. Seek Him for your healing.

By His wounds both physical and emotional, you are healed.

We Are Walking Together

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