Revelation and Obedience - Part 2

Where do I discover God’s will? How do I receive God’s revelation?  

It happens in the secret place.

My first call is to Jesus. I am a priest to God. God seeks a relationship with me that is personal and practical. My relationship with Jesus is not like anyone else’s. It is not cookie cutter. God has a relationship with me as a person, an individual.

Out of the flow of relationship, God speaks. God will speak uniquely to you. God speaks by  His Holy Spirit through prayer, Bible study, people, circumstances, and supernatural means.

What is important is not how God speaks but that He speaks.

In the Bible when God spoke the person knew it was God, knew what God said, and knew what they were supposed to do.

Take Noah for example. Noah knew it was God speaking to him. Noah understood that God was going to cause a flood. Noah knew that he was to build an ark, in fact God gave him detailed instructions.

God has spoken to you in the past. You knew it was God. You knew you were called. You knew what you were supposed to do. You left your home and moved to a foreign land.  

God will speak to you again! What if it has been a long time since you heard from God? Focus on the relationship.

Go back to the secret place.

*teaching is based on “Experiencing God” by Henry Blackaby

We are walking together

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1 Comment

Carrie - February 1st, 2024 at 7:32am

This is so good!




