Member Care Checklist - Part 7

Area 4 Fitness - Physical Health

Confession:  When I initially went to the field, I dealt with the stress by eating, a lot.   I gained weight and of course this had a negative impact on me. Eating made me feel good in the moment but in the long term it made things worse. The extra pounds caused me to handle stress worse, I had less energy, and developed diabetes. It is the major regret of my first term.

The fact is that your physical health has a major impact on your doing better and staying longer. We need to pay attention to and invest in our physical health so we can better fulfill the call of God on our lives and be productive longer for the kingdom of God.

There are three building blocks in good physical health:
  • Regular Exercise
It is recommended that you get a least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise a week and strength training twice a week. This is a baseline. Research tells us that a 30 minute walk can have a positive impact on your emotional/mental health. We are made up of body, soul, and spirit. Each part of us works together not in isolation

  • Proper Nutrition
The foods we eat affects us physically and emotionally.   They can give us energy or drain our energy. Comfort foods may give you comfort in the moment but in the long run will cause you to be fatigued. Eating healthy will make you more effective.

  • Adequate Sleep
Lack of sleep has a huge influence on you.  Lack of sleep hinders language learning, decision making, and energy levels. Getting the right amount of sleep will make you a better person, worker, spouse, parent, etc.

I learned that gaining weight is a lot easier than losing weight (and more fun).

If you found yourself in the place I found myself in, we have help for you.  Brandon and Melissa Newman are certified trainers and nutritionist. They will give you a free consultation.   You can contact them at

We are walking together

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Peyton T. - November 20th, 2023 at 8:23am

I am currently in my first term on the field. I am three months in, and one thing I have noticed is that physical activity has helped me in many ways mentally. When it was warmer I was going on more bike rides and runs which helped me lose weight. Now that it is getting cooler and the snow will soon be coming, I have enjoyed going on long walks. Even a one or two hour walk has helped my focus by slowing down mentally and physically. I am enjoying this blog, thank you for sharing Kevin! I am grateful for you sharing your experiences to help us learn and grow.

Kevin Stone - November 20th, 2023 at 1:36pm

Thank you. Help us by spreading the word to your colleagues about the blog




