Revelation and Obedience - Part 4

You cannot go with God and stay where you are at. When God calls you it will require major adjustments in your life.

Think about the disciples. Jesus called them. They had to respond in faith by leaving their families, fishing business, everything in order to follow Jesus.

As a global worker you experienced the same type of adjustments. Obedience cost you. You left family, friends, careers, everything familiar in order to obey God’s call. Anyone who has been used by God has made sacrifices in order to obey.

The adjustments God calls you to make is not a one time thing. Throughout our lives God’s call will require major adjustments. Sometimes that means a change of field, or a transition in ministry, or staying where you are at with a better attitude, or something else.

You cannot go with God and stay where you are at.

That adjustment may mean a change of location or it may require greater sacrifices. There is alway a price in obeying God.

I have learned the cost of disobedience is always higher than the cost of obedience.

*teaching is based on “Experiencing God” by Henry Blackaby


  • What adjustments is God asking you to make?
  • What price are you hesitating to make?
  • How can you obey God more completely?
  • You cannot go with God and stay where you are at.

We are walking together

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