Member Care - How do you determine what you are to focus on?

Sometimes you just got to let go of things.

I am learning there is a difference between things I am concerned about and things that are in my control.

If I spend too much time focusing on things that concern me but I have no personal power to do anything about it, my frustration level goes up.

I want to focus on things I can influence. I want to focus on issues that I can take action on.

For example, I am concerned about world hunger but it is way too big of an issue for me to solve.

I can give to the food pantry at my church and help a few.

I can be concerned about my children but they are now adults. I no longer can tell them what to do. I can focus on my influence by making investments in our relationship.

Spend a little time in your circle of concern.

We should be aware of the larger issues in our world but spend most of your focus in your circle of control. Take actions, even if it may seem too small to make an impact, because if everyone does the little we can do, we can make a big difference.

We Are Walking Together

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