Member Care - Do you ever struggle with insecurity?

I know I do. I thought as I got older that these issues would have gotten easier but I am learning some things are just part of the human condition.

No matter how old I am or how much life experience I have, insecurity at times shows up in my life.

This morning I was reading the account of Gideon. God called him a mighty man of valor. Gideon referred to himself as a member of the weakness clan and he was the least in his father’s house.

God and Gideon did not see things the same.

We need to get our identity and esteem from how God sees us and not how we see ourselves or how others see us.

God sees you as mighty and having valor. He created you. God knows who you are and what you are capable of. God has given you the Holy Spirit to empower you to be the person He has called you to be and accomplish what He has assigned for you to do.

Your worth is found in whose you are. God has adopted you into His family. He choose you! He desires you. He chased after you. He redeemed you. Your worth and value is found in Him.

This protects us from becoming conceited. Everything we are, do, and have is because of God. 2 Corinthians 3:5 says we are not sufficient in ourselves to take credit for anything ourselves, but our sufficiency, competency,  and adequacy comes from God.

This protects me from pride but it also allows me to rest in Him. I do not have to perform to earn his love or favor. I pursue my relationship with him and trust in him. You can do the same.

When you experience insecurity or a feeling of being inadequate do not try to prove your worth through your performance, trust in God.

He is with you right now.

We Are Walking Together

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