Member Care - How do we change?

So many times we look for the big idea, the big dream, the next goal. This is important. The big idea, the big dream gives our lives direction.

Stephen Covey in the book “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” teaches we are to begin with the end in mind.

Yet I believe that to live life successfully we need to be content with the mundane. It is our daily habits that enable us to achieve the big overarching goal. We can be enamored with a dream but become bored with the mundane.

Christianity is one long obedience. Ministry is about completing small simple steps. We cannot go from beginning to the end in one giant leap. It takes time, perseverance, consistency.  

In order to achieve your goals you need
  • structure
  • social support
  • accountability

Life is a process. Life is living one day at a time. Do not get destination disease. Some people believe they will be happy
  • when they graduate 
  • when they get married
  • when they have children
  • when they have a career or ministry
  • when they retire

They live their lives believing that happiness is out there somewhere. To be happy, you have to be happy in the moment, in the now.

Truth is if you cannot be happy/content in the now, you will not be happy/content in the future.

Why? It is an inside job. Your happiness is more dependent on the condition of your heart than outward circumstances.

If you are discontent now, leaving your present circumstances may not help. You just take your “stuff” with you. You could be in a different location with different people but the hurt, pain, discontentment inside of you goes with you.

Whatever state you are in and whatever is going on inside of you, you must deal with it. You may need to forgive, see a counselor, make some lifestyle changes, and/ or find healing.

Life is lived inside/out.

Scripture tells us ”Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.“. Proverbs 4:23 NIV

  • Above all else - make it your highest priority
  • Guard your heart - protect it, keep it clean, find healing
  • For everything you do flows from it - the condition of your heart impacts everything in your life.

Life is lived inside/out.

We Are Walking Together

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