Member Care - What do we do with our pain?

Several years ago Cathy and I went to a counselor. Before we met with him, they gave us each an assessment. I scored real low on trust. The counselor said he was concerned that I was being cynical.

He was right. After many hurts and disappointments in ministry I became discouraged. The church I was pastoring at the time went through some difficulty and I felt betrayed, disillusioned, and hurt.

If you serve in ministry long, you will have the same kind of experiences. We all have one thing in common: pain.

We are walking together.

Pain is a common experience of all of us. We all have been hurt, disappointed, and betrayed. The key is not if you will experience pain but how will you respond to it.

In the Bible, I see difficulties as a tool God uses to prepare someone for ministry. God calls then he prepares us. Blessings can develop our character but most of the time, it is trials that reveal who we are and where we need to grow. It is the feeling of helplessness that causes us to learn dependence on God.

Like you, I have seen people respond differently in trials. Some grow in their dependency on God and develop Christ like character, others blame God, run from God, grow bitter.  

For me to grow I needed the help of a professional. I was so deep in the pit I do not know if I could have climbed out on my own. I needed help.

If you are in that situation, help is available to you.

You are not alone.

We Are Walking Together

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