Team Life Characteristics - Part 7

Member Care Team Life

Characteristics of a Good Team Leader
Characteristic #7 Vision.

Leadership is taking people where they are to where God wants them to be. Henry Blackaby said “vision is leading people onto God’s agenda.” It is a journey from here to there.

As a team member I want to know where you are going. It is difficult to choose to follow you if I am unaware or confused on the destination. Communicate your vision to me clearly. Do not assume I know. Create a clear picture of the preferred destination. Let me know what we are doing, why we are doing it, and why I should be doing it. How does what we are doing fit in with the establishing the church among all peoples everywhere? Show me how what we do, fulfills the vision of the organization I chose to join.

Do not manipulate me in fulfilling your vision. I need to be assured that you have heard from God, are in alignment with the organization, and are leading me to a future we both prefer.

Characteristics of a Good Team Member
Characteristic #7 Alignment.

As a team member be in alignment with me. Unity is when everyone is using their time, talents, and treasure to accomplish a common goal. It is everyone pulling the the same direction.

Pull with me not against me. Do not cause division on the team. Do not give a half-hearted effort. If you join the team, then believe in where we are going and work with me to accomplish it.

Bottom Line:

For team members and leaders it really is not about your vision. We have been called by God to establish the church among all peoples everywhere. God has already given us the vision in the great commission. We may have disagreements on how to accomplish the vision but both God and the organization has made it clear.

I encourage you to put aside differences and disagreements. Work together. Work in harmony. Work hard pulling in one direction. The stakes are too high for us to be pulling against one another. Do not get in a tug of war contest.

We Are Walking Together

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