Member Care - What to do with your discouragement?

I believe one of the most effective tools of our enemy is to discourage us.

Satan plays mind games. He wants to place negative thoughts into our minds that cause us to become discouraged, to consider giving up.

Remember thoughts can come from four sources:
  • God- thoughts inspired by the Holy Spirit
  • You - God has created man to be able to think, plan, remember the past, and plan for the future.
  • Others - other people speak into our lives
  • Satan- demonic inspired thoughts.

One of the keys to overcoming discouragement is to identify the source of your thoughts. The Bible identifies Satan as the accuser and the father of lies.

How can you distinguish thoughts inspired by Satan verses thoughts inspired by the Holy Spirit?

Thoughts inspired by Satan will condemn you and motivate you to give up and quit. Thoughts inspired by the Holy Spirit will convict you and motivate you to change and move forward.

You can identify the source of your thoughts by recognizing the end goal of the thought. Does it motivate you to change or does it motivate you to quit?

God never will inspire you to quit, give up, or be discouraged. God will motivate you to agree with His word, change the direction you are going in, and continue to move forward. God desires for your good and the advancement of His kingdom.

The battle is in your mind.

For you to win that battle you need to identify the source of your thoughts. Once you identify the source you will know what to do. If the source is Satan you take the thoughts captive and make them obedient to God’s word. If the source is God, you stand in faith on God’s word and be obedient to His instructions.

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