Revelation and Obedience - Part 3

When God speaks, it will cause you to respond in faith. You have to believe God is who He says He is and that God will do what He says He will do.

Think about Noah again. God spoke to Noah. Noah had to believe it was God speaking to him, had to believe God was capable of doing what he said he would do. We know Noah responded in faith because Genesis 6:22 says ”Noah did this; he did all that God commanded him.“.

Your faith results in your obedience.

As a global worker, you have already experienced this. God called you to a foreign land. You believed it was God speaking to you and you believed God would do what he promised. Your faith resulted in your obedience. Today you serve in a foreign land. Way to go!

I believe this is a pattern not a formula we see in Scripture.

God is at work redeeming a lost world. God pursues a love relationship with you. God calls you to join Him in his work. God speaks. When God speaks you must respond in faith.

This same pattern happened in Noah, Abraham, Moses, the disciples, and Paul. It is not formula because God’s calling is based upon relationship but there is a pattern found in scripture.

The issue for me is that the pattern continues. Just because I responded in faith in the past does not exempt me from responding in faith in the present and future.

God still calls. God still speaks. I still have to respond in faith.

*teaching is based on “Experiencing God” by Henry Blackaby


  • What is God calling you to do?
  • What is the state of your relationship with God?
  • How can you live in greater obedience?
  • What steps of faith do you need to take?

We are walking together

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