Being Proactive is the Great Multiplier in Your Life

What does it mean to be proactive? Some define it as taking the initiative. There is some truth to that but being proactive is more than taking the initiative. Being proactive means you take responsibility.

It is understanding that you are responsible for yourself.

My question is who is responsible? Who is responsible for finding me a friend? It is mine. I am responsible for my social life. I am responsible for my health. I am responsible to be faithful in my spiritual disciplines. I am responsible for how I respond to people who mistreat me.

I am responsible.

Because I am responsible I take the initiative to use my resources to find a solution.  

The opposite of being responsible is being a victim. Now I am not speaking to people who were abused as a child, raped, or experienced some other major offense. When a person has experienced that level of trauma, they need a professional to assist them in finding freedom. I encourage you to do so and the member care office will offer you a referral. I never want to demean anyone’s experience.

But for me, my issues do not reach that level. I am not a victim. God has given me a free will to make healthy choices. God has placed the Holy Spirit inside of me to empower me to live a God-pleasing life.

I am responsible. I am not a victim.

When you make yourself a victim, you become powerless. You forfeit the power that God has given you.

Being proactive means, I take responsibility for myself and take the initiative to use the resources God has given to me to make godly healthy choices.

That is the great multiplier. The difference in people who are proactive is not small but huge.  

To live successfully cross culturally, you must be proactive.

We Are Walking Together

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