Getting Rid of Negative Thinking

When I was a youth pastor (a very long time ago) I used to teach the youth, “You got to get rid of your stinking thinking. Because if you keep on thinking what you always thought you will keep on getting what you always got”

There is truth to this. They are now called ANTS, which stands for automatic negative thoughts.

It never ceases to amaze me how our minds go automatically negative. This is a survival instinct. Our mind is trying to warn us of potential threats.

The problem is my mind exaggerates. This exaggeration causes me problems!

I write about this a lot because it is an issue for me. My mind frequently goes negative and imagines the worse possible scenarios.

Over the years it has negatively impacted my sleep, relationships, and ministry. It is a struggle for me to get victory.

I teach that you replace negative thoughts with the word of God. Speak what God says over you and your life.

For me, it is easier said than done.

One of the ways I try to apply the principle is through daily Bible reading and journaling. I read the One Year Bible each year since 1988. After the reading, I pick a verse and use the SOAP method of journaling. SOAP stands for
  • Scripture
  • Observation
  • Application
  • Prayer

After I journal on the verse, I spend time meditating on it. I chew on it, think deeply about it, do a Bible study on it. I try to review the verse throughout the day.

If you are like me and struggle with negative thinking, I encourage you to begin using the SOAP method of Bible journaling. It has been the most consistent of my spiritual disciplines and the most impactful!

We Are Walking Together

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