Our Greatest Work

Genesis 18:20-33 is a great illustration of intercessory prayer. Abraham interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah. It is interesting to me that Abraham stopped at 10 but God did not. God saved Lot, his wife (gave opportunity to be saved), and his two daughters. That is only 4 people. God went beyond what Abraham prayed for.  

As a global worker we can become busy doing a lot of things. In my experience I found that if I was not diligent it was my prayer life that suffered.

Reports must be in on time, team meetings must be attended, time with friends is essential, newsletters must be mailed. No one ever held me accountable for my time in prayer. God was always present but never loud. I could choose to enter His presence and He would meet me there, but God never shouted at me to come.  

As we begin a new year, I encourage you to make your time with God a priority. I encourage you to practice intercessory prayer. Stand in the gap for the nation you serve in, stand in the gap for your family and friends, stand in the gap for your colleagues. It matters.

Remember God will go beyond what you ask for!

We are walking together

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