Member Care Tips - Part 2

I have been in church all my life. I was dedicated to God in a church service when I was a few weeks old.

Unfortunately I have been hurt by people’s actions, decisions, and words in the church. To be honest I know my decisions, actions, and words have hurt others in the church.

I have been hurt and I have caused pain.

Yet this is not the majority of my experience with the church. My experience has been overwhelmingly positive. I have been loved, cared for, supported, and sent by the local church.

I have seen people care for one another, give sacrificially, pray for and embrace each other.   I have seen people mourn, provide meals, and walk through life’s tragedies together.

Has the church been perfect? No.

Have I been perfect?  Absolutely not.

I have regrets.

I do not want the few negative experiences to blot out the positive. I want to be careful concerning my words about the church. The church is the bride of Christ. There is a time to speak the truth to the church and to leadership. We must defend the weak and stand up for the powerless.

At the same time I want to guard my heart from becoming cynical. I want to guard my attitude from becoming negative. I want to speak well of Christ’s bride.  

One day the church will be without spot or wrinkle. I look forward to that day and acknowledge it is not today. Until that day the church will consist of imperfect people.

I am one of them.

The church is made up of God’s children. We are each a son or daughter of God. I do not know about you but I can’t stand it when someone speaks negatively about one of my kids, even it is true. Personally, I hope everyone is not spreading the truth about me!

I want to speak the truth when needed and honor the church at the same time. Those may seem to be opposite but I believe it is possible.

The key is the condition of my heart.

I love the church even with all its failings. I am grateful that I was raised in a local church. I would not trade that experience for any other experience on the earth.

We Are Walking Together

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