Where Does Your Peace Come From?

My peace comes from the Lord. More specifically, it comes when I receive a word from Him. God is a God who speaks, and He speaks to His children through various means: the Bible, prayer, dreams, visions, His still small voice, and even through the miraculous.

What’s important is not “how” God speaks, but “knowing” when God is speaking to you.

When faced with a decision, I seek a word from God. Once I have that word, I can move forward in peace. Why? Because God is not only a promise maker, He is the promise keeper. I can step forward in faith, knowing that God will do what He has said.

Many of us became global workers because we received a word from the Lord. That word may have come through a sermon, a book, a dream, or vision, or through other ways. The manner in which God speaks isn't the focus; what matters is the assurance that God has spoken to you.

Many of you left possessions, family, careers, and more because of that word. Was it easy? No—it’s extremely difficult. But can you walk through it with peace? Yes! You are standing on God's promises to you.

If you find yourself lacking peace, don’t focus on your circumstances. Instead, turn your attention to your relationship with Jesus. Don't chase after a word from God—seek Jesus Himself. When you find Jesus, you receive everything that comes with Him.

Fight the good fight. Stand on His promises. Have faith in God.

The promise maker is the promise keeper.

We Are Walking Together

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