Life is Never All Good or All Bad

Cathy and I have exciting news.  We recently had another grandchild!

My life is never all good or all bad. The good and bad go together like railroad tracks.

When someone asks me how I am doing, I am temped to ask which part of my life? Some parts of my life are great. There are some parts I would change immediately if I could. Life is never all bad or all good.

When I hear someone say they are unhappy where they are at or with what they are doing. It concerns me. If your expectation is that every aspect of your life is going to be good, it may be an unrealistic expectation.

Life is never all good or all bad.

My contentment tends to be what element of my life I focus on. If I focus on the parts that are bad, I can get discouraged. If I focus on what I am grateful for, my attitude tends to improve.

I am trying a new habit of three times a week, writing in a gratitude journal. I write what I am grateful for, why I am grateful for it, then I pause and give thanks to God.

For example: I am grateful for my new grandchild because he is a miracle baby we never thought we would have. He will bring life to our family. Then I pause and thank God for him.

Research says writing in a journal three times a week is more effective than every day. If you do it everyday it loses its effectiveness.


  • Would you consider beginning a gratitude journal?
  • What are you grateful for?
  • How can you make thanksgiving a greater part of your spiritual disciplines?
  • What can you do to focus on the positive aspects in your life?
  • How can you decrease the negative?

We are walking together

1 Comment

Linda Schlak - March 7th, 2024 at 6:27am

Thanks for the reminder. Today I am thankful for you and Kathy as well as our other 2012 colleagues.




