Member Care Tips - Part 3

God is good. He is good all the time. In the midst of difficulties I never want to forget the goodness of God.

It is easy to focus on the hardships, difficulties, and disappointments in life. I have learned that what I focus on impacts my attitude.

Do I focus on what I lack or do I focus on what God has done?

God has given me more than I deserve. God has treated me better than I deserve. He is good and does good.

The cross settled for me the issue of the love and goodness of God. He never has to do anything else for me again to prove His love or goodness. When Jesus stretched out His arms and died for me to redeem me from slavery to sin, that settled the issue.

Guard your heart from becoming disgruntled. Guard your heart from an entitlement attitude. Focus on what God has done and on who He is.

Paul taught us that it is always God’s will for you to be thankful.

Have an attitude of gratitude. Focus on what you have, not on what you lack. Be grateful for the prayers that have been answered, for the blessings you have received.  We did not deserve any of them, we cannot earn anything for the future.

God’s operating system is grace. My very existence is God treating me better than I deserve. I deserve nothing, am owed nothing. I am grateful for everything God has given me.

I do not know where you are or what you are going through but I know that at some point God reached down from heaven and saved you, called you, and sent you.

What a privilege!!!

We Are Walking Together

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