The Battle for Faith

I read this quote today by Dr. George Wood:
“There are moments when no miracle happens, when we must not run away but must stick to our post of duty. What stabilizes and gives us fortitude to remain is prayer.”

The truth is there are times when the miracle is delayed or when what I want to happen, does not happen. There are times of disappointment and disillusionment.

These times can lead to a crisis of faith. Did I hear the call of God? Why am I not experiencing more results? Am I the problem? We all experience self doubt.

Dr. Wood says what stabilizes us during those seasons is prayer. I would add the Word of God.

When I can be consistent in my times with Jesus, it provides stability in my life. I am a morning person and it is my habit to spend time with God immediately after I clean up in the morning. That habit brings stability in my life when I, at times, live in chaos. And at times when I don't experience what I want to experience.

I know each morning that God is there waiting for me. Even when I do not feel like praying, even when I do not sense his presence or hear his voice, He is there. Those times have become the foundation of my life.

I encourage you to make your time with God consistent. Spend times with Jesus even when you do not feel like it. Keep praying when prayers seem to go unanswered. Keep reading God’s word, even when God seems silent. Remember God’s silence does not indicate His absence!

The consistency will bring stability in your life.

We Are Walking Together

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