What is Really in Your Heart?

In my abiding time this morning, the verse I choose to journal was 2 Chronicles 32:31
““And so in the matter of the envoys of the princes of Babylon, who had been sent to him to inquire about the sign that had been done in the land, God left him to himself, in order to test him and to know all that was in his heart.”

It says that God tested Hezekiah. God did not test Hezekiah because God was ignorant of what was in his heart. The purpose of the test was to reveal to Hezekiah who he really was.

The Bible teaches that the heart is deceitful. We can think we are better than we are. We can have sin in our heart and not be aware of it.

Hezekiah was powerful, successful, and wealthy. The Bible says that God made Hezekiah prosperous because Hezekiah sought God with all his heart but after he prospered, pride entered.

The Bible says God left him to himself. God at times intervenes in our lives and saves us from ourselves. He does not allow us to go our own way but in this instance God allowed Hezekiah to show the envoys of Babylon all of his riches. Hezekiah basically showed off and took the credit for his success.

This verse made me think, “what is the true condition of my heart?” Is there pride? Unforgiveness? Bitterness? Lust?

I took some time and sought God. I desire for the Holy Spirit to convict me of sin, reveal the truth about me.


  • When is the last time you asked the Holy Spirit to examine you?
  • What is the true condition of your heart?
  • What is there you need to repent of?

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