Revelation and Obedience - Part 1

God operates on revelation. God reveals His will to His people.

Our responsibility is to obey.

You will experience God as God fulfills His will through you as you obey Him.  

What is revelation? It means to remove the barrier so you can see clearly. God is at work redeeming a lost world to Himself. He has a will and a plan. God will remove any and all barriers that prevents you from seeing what God is doing.

Our responsibility is obedience.

I do not need to make some great plan or dream a big dream. I do not strive to become a success, build an empire, or establish a reputation. I am a servant who serves His Lord.  

This is a help to me. It takes the pressure off.

It is God’s vision, God’s plan, God’s responsibility. I simply obey.

The results are up to him. This is not an excuse for laziness. It does not include a life of ease. Obedience for the Apostle Paul included hard work and suffering. Obedience is hard but it is simple.

I like simple.

*teaching is based on “Experiencing God” by Henry Blackaby


  • What is God instructing you to do?
  • What has God instructed you to do?
  • Are you in complete obedience to God’s commands?
  • Is Jesus Lord over every area of your life?
  • Are you living a life of obedience?

We are walking together

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