Revelation and Obedience - Part 5

You experience God when he fulfills His will through you as you obey Him. You cannot experience God outside of obedience. It is impossible. God fulfills His will through people. He does the work.

We obey. God gets all the glory.

The world needs to see what only God can do. The world needs to experience God. That will only happen as we obey Him by responding in faith, making the major adjustments He calls us to.

The main enemy that prevents me from fulfilling God’s call is my flesh. It is not governments, organizations, people, lack of resources or any other means.

My flesh wants to be glorified.  My flesh wants to get its way. My flesh wants to be served. My flesh does not want to sacrifice. My flesh gets in the way.

This is why Jesus said if you want to follow Him, you must deny yourself and take up your cross. There is no resurrection without a cross. Death comes before life. For the people we are called to, to experience God, we must die to self.

Many times self is my main enemy.  

Do you want to experience God in 2024? Do you want your family to experience God? Do you want the people you are called to, to experience God?

  • Pursue your relationship with Jesus
  • Listen for his instructions 
  • Obey His commands
  • Respond in faith
  • Make the adjustments He requires

You will experience God when He fulfills His will through you as you obey Him.

And God will get all the glory.

*teaching is based on “Experiencing God” by Henry Blackaby

We are walking together

1 Comment

Al - February 22nd, 2024 at 9:28pm

Thanks Kevin for this series! Loved reading it!




